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J & M Property Management Pet Policy

We believe furry friends are family! We warmly welcome your approved pets and encourage you to embrace the joys of pet-friendly living. Whether it's snuggles on the couch or tail-wagging walks around the community, sharing your home with a pet enriches life for everyone.

But remember, a happy community is a responsible one. Understanding our pet policies ensures harmony and comfort for all our residents, staff, and, of course, our four-legged friends. By following these guidelines, you can guarantee a pawsitively amazing experience for everyone!

At J&M Properties, we understand the joy of sharing your home with a furry friend! That's why we partner with to ensure a smoothly pawsitive experience for both residents and pets in our communities.

Here's how makes life easier for everyone:

Effortless Record Management

PetScreening takes care of pet records, including verifying vaccinations and validating assistance animal requests, providing peace of mind for residents and our team.

Clear Understanding of Policies

By completing a profile, everyone agrees to our pet policies, fostering a harmonious atmosphere for all.


Streamlined Process for Pet Owners

Simply create a profile for your furry friend (even if you don't currently have one!), and if you do, you'll receive a Fido Score after completing the profile.


Complete your profile with all relevant details, it helps us ensure compatibility and smooth sailing for you and your furry friend! Even though providing additional information later might influence your Fido Score, please submit all information upfront for the most accurate assessment. Please note that refunds are not possible for changes that later affect your Fido Score. - Household Pet Profiles will be reevaluated at the time of renewal.

This score helps us ensure a good fit for your pet in our communities. It considers your pet's breed, age, training, and other factors to determine acceptance and applicable fees. You can find our fee schedule and list of restricted dog breeds below.

  • Applicants and Residents are responsible for the Profile Fee.
  • Household Pet - $25 per Pet Profile or can be as low as $20 annually for ACH payments.
  • Assistance Animal - Free
  • No Pet/Animal - Free
  • Your lease agreement will include a monthly pet rent for each approved furry friend residing in your apartment, along with a one-time, non-refundable pet fee. This fee varies depending on the Fido Score. This fee is separate from the initial profile cost.


FIDO Score Monthly Pet Rent One-Time Non-Refundable Fee
0 paw Case by case basis Case by case basis
1 paw $60 $750
2 paw $50 $500
3 paw $40 $400
4 paw $30 $300
5 paw $20 $250


Pet Type Monthly Pet Rent One-Time Refundable Pet Deposit
Birds (per cage) Small Breeds - Budgies, Finches, etc. Large Breeds - Parrots, Cockatoos, etc. $10 for small breed and $25 for large breed Case by case basis
Caged Pets (per pet) (Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Reptiles, Ferrets, Amphibians, etc.) $10 $250
Water Filled Tanks "Fish Tanks" (Per Tank Over 10 gals) *max of 50 gal $10/10 gallons $250
*Farm/Exotic Pets & Fish Tanks over 50 Gal Case by Case basis Case by Case basis 


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